Saturday, June 13, 2020

Blog #62- Amanda Wang- Period 2

AIM: How do the historical allusion and connections in 1984 contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

Do Now: Turn and Talk

Why do new and different ideas often provoke fear? Is Julia good for Winston?

When people are content with society, anything new can provoke fear. Change intimidates people since we are so used to one way of life, and the unknown often makes us worry about the possible outcomes. Overall, Julia has had a positive impact on Winston. He seems much happier after meeting her. Winston began drinking and smoking less, and his ulcer no longer caused him pain. 

What is an Allusion?

Allusion: (N) Is a brief and indirect reference within a literary work to a historical, literary, or biblical character, place or event, which is not explained. 

  • They are not explained because writers intend the audience will recognize and understand them, usu. through prior experience. 

  • They can help to create the mood or can contribute to the theme. 

  • Allusions can be references to a person, place, event, literary work, author, work of art, historical event, musical work, film or movie. 

Allusion of The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Allusion of Star Wars

Allusion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 

Types of Allusions:

  • Biblical: Referring to the bible or a religious work.

  • Classical: Referring to classical literature.

  • Literary: Referring to another literary work. 

  • Historical: Referring to an event in history:

We discussed allusions present in 1984 by George Orwell. Proles are the proletariats, who are the working class. The Ingsoc’s social class system is broken up into three classes. Big Brother and the Inner Party represent the upper class, the middle class is represented by the Outer Party, they work administrative jobs and have no voice, and the lowest class are the Proles. Emmanuel Goldstein symbolizes Leon Trotsky or a scapegoat since the government is putting the blame on him to control their citizens. The telescreens could represent the Secret Police, it’s used for propaganda and keeps an eye on the citizens. The Junior Spies represent the youth that are brainwashed to become the Secret Police. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford represent the enemies of the government. 


From today’s lesson and discussions, I learned how allusions are utilized everywhere. In literature, allusions help deepen the meaning and understanding of what the author is trying to convey. With just a few words, it can create a mood or contribute to a theme that is present. In 1984, Orwell alluded to the Soviet Union to criticize totalitarianism. This reference allowed readers to make the comparison between the historical event and the novel itself. 

Blog Content:

Working From Home:

Things are less stressful as the school year is coming to an end and I’ve adjusted to the different circumstances. Although I still find myself procrastinating, I think through the past months I learned to manage my time better and it’s become easier to be motivated and be productive. But, my sleep schedule is messed up now. I think I’m starting to get too comfortable in the house as I go to sleep pretty late and wake up around the afternoon. Working from home has definitely been a different experience and it has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Updates on the Virus & Personal Thoughts:

As of now, the number of confirmed cases in the United States have passed 2 million and the curve, nationwide, has flattened. Since all states have started to reopen, there’s been a spike of cases in some states. In the past week, cases in numerous states have increased by over 25%. I think states can be reopening too early as the country may not be ready. Also, hospitals might not be prepared for the spike in cases. 

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