Blog #60, Rachael Zeng, Period 1, 6/13/20
Our aim for today was “How can our examination of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey expose Odysseus as an archetypal hero?”
For our Do Now we had to interpret the quote “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder. Fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won.” and apply it to Odysseus somehow.
During our lesson we discussed the Monomyth, which is also commonly referred to as “The Hero’s Journey”. We also discussed archetypes, which are common patterns of symbols, characters, themes, settings, and more. Some archetypes appear in The Hero’s Journey.
After this, we watched a video titled “Netflix’s Myths and Monsters”, which explained The Hero's Journey and how it was present in Star Wars. ( )
This chart was given to us as an example of more archetypes, and we were asked to connect two or three of them to characters in the Odyssey. From here, we learned that a lot more of these connections could be made to countless characters from other types of media as well, reinforcing the idea of the Monomyth.
As a conclusion, we watched another video titled “The Hero’s Journey in five minutes”, which quickly summed up the monomyth and how it was present in the plotlines mentioned in the video. ( )
Today, I learned about the Monomyth and how it was present in a large number of popular media, such as the Maze Runner and Star Wars. This will most likely influence how I watch movies or read books, as I may consciously or unconsciously begin to notice, “Oh, this is the Call to Adventure” and so on.
Working at home is very bland, but I would rather stay safe than risk infection. It’s been very tough the past few weeks, but hopefully I’ll be able to get through it and have one less thing to worry about. I’m hoping that everybody that is currently out for protests (whether it’d be a police officer or a protester) is staying safe and exercising proper safety techniques, like wearing a mask, as the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended yet and we still must make sure we are not allowing for the virus to start infecting the large crowds of people. Unfortunately, I cannot say much otherwise about the protests due to the position I’m in, but I am very glad that the communities that are currently in bad situations are able to support each other.
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