Thursday, June 11, 2020

Blog #53 - Daniel Shoshin - Period 1 - 6/11/2020

Blog #53, Daniel Shoshin, Period 1, 6/11/20
AIM: How can our examination of Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey" expose
Odysseus as an archetypal hero?  
Notes: We started class talking about the aim and then quickly transitioned into Joseph Campbell.
We discussed his book and how he created the idea that all heroes follow the same general path
and rules. He called this idea the “monomyth” also known as “The Hero’s Journey.” We then
watched a video about monomyths and discussed popular movies and series that are examples of
one. These include Star Wars, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter. We then proceeded to discuss
archetypes and several archetypes found within the Odyssey. We then watched another video
focusing on the Hero’s Journey in Star Wars and showing how Luke is the hero and how several
people around him were mentors and other such archetypes.

Reflection:  Learning about the monomyth and archetypes is very important as I can now
understand the role and importance of certain characters better and understand their significance
in the story. These archetypes allow me to get a better understanding of a story and be more
knowledgeable about the events occurring throughout the story. 
Blog Content: Working from home has been very relaxing as I get to choose when I want to work
and it is very helpful as I never feel forced or tired and lazy. I can better focus on my work and
complete it much faster.
Currently, the world situation is still very scary as Covid is still a very big problem but many people
seem to disregard it for political protests and the BLM movement. This worries me as I think a
second wave is inevitable which will probably ruin the summer and prolong the quarantine.

The online English lessons have been fun as the zoom meetings help me interact and connect
with my classmates more. It’s a lot more fun than in other classes where we just get assigned
work to do by ourselves with no way of communicating with anyone.

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