Thursday, June 11, 2020

Blog #52 - Andrew Shi - Period 1 - 6/8/2020

June 8th, 2020
Andrew Shi Period 1
Aim: How can our examination of Joseph Campbell's "The Hero's Journey" expose Odysseus as an archetypal hero?  
Do Now:  Interpret the following quote and apply it to Odysseus.
“A hero ventures forth from the world
of common day into a region of
supernatural wonder. Fabulous forces
are there encountered and a decisive
victory is won.”
― Joseph Campbell
A: Odysseus comes across many challenges across his vast journey and manages to overcome then with clever tactics and leadership
What is an Archetype?
  • An original model or pattern from which other later copies are made, especially a character, an action, or situation that seems to represent common patterns of human life.
Joseph Campbell was heavily influenced by the Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung whose theories involved archetypes—recurring images, patterns, and ideas from dreams and myths across various cultures.
Student Reflection:
  1. Today I learned what an archetype was and how it applied to the story of Odysseus with its characters
  2. I learned because in “The Odyssey,” you should understand what each character represents in the story in order to fully understand what is happening and why each character is important
  3. I’ll use what I learned when reading other stories and texts to understand them better.
  • It’s very stressful working from home because you can have very little motivation and energy to work
  • Some updates I heard regarding the virus are that doctors have been trying to find a vaccine and have had some progress and that some areas such as Staten Island have started reopening stores
  • Based on what’s happening now, I feel like the protests are getting out of hand because most of the people there are just there to loot which is not the definition of a “peaceful protest.”

Andrew Shi
Blogger #19
Freshman 2020

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