Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Blog #50: Wenyan Li: Period 7: 6/9/20

Tuesday, June 9

Wenyan Li

Period 7

Blog #50

Aim: How is connotation, denotation, and paradox explicated through Orwell’s “doublethink”?


  • What is like working from home?

I enjoy learning from home as the school day is spread throughout the week as it allows us to focus on certain classes more. I think by having homework due the next cycle it allows students to keep on top of the schoolwork and work out a schedule that is better for them. The online experience has been much smoother compared to ones in real life as we get more time per class and less time is wasted setting up materials. 

  • What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?

At the moment, the amount of cases are decreasing due to precautions that have been taken such as requiring everyone to wear a mask and slowly opening New York City in waves. A lot of states have already opened up however, on the news you can see even with the coronavirus there are some people who are not taking the situation seriously. Such as on social media, you see beaches full of people, none of them social distancing or taking the necessary precautions.

  • Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

Right now, there are protests going on against police brutality and the corrupt system behind it. Most of what's actually happening behind the scene is being censored by the media and they only show the downside of it such as the looters. I feel that it's unfair to associate the looters with the protestors as people who are looting are taking advantage of the situation for their own personal gain taking light away from the actual situation at hand. On social media, you see that all the protests start out peacefully and cops are the ones that engage with the tear gas and the rubber bullets. Cities are taking precautions such as setting curfews, however they change the curfew trapping protestors and arresting them unlawfully. I think one of the most beautiful videos highlighting the protests, is showing how not only all 50 states are protesting this issue, but countries worldwide are against fighting this issue. 

Map of All 50 States in US Participating in 'Black Lives Matter ...


  • Today’s lesson taught us the difference between connotation and denotation such as that they are not two separate things but two aspects of a sign. Connotation represents the various social overtones, cultural implications, or emotional meanings associated with a sign. Denotation represents the explicit or referential meaning of a sign and it's the literal meaning of a word. We learned about this through the do now activity as we compared two similar images. In the second column, there are two different cars one is your average middle class car that one uses to drive while the second one, the Ferrari represents one's status and wealth. We also discussed paradox and how it’s been represented in a lot of our novels, plays, and even children's books such as Pinocchio. I think we learned this as it's important to understand the connotation and denotation meaning of things as by analyzing each one you can gain a better understanding and perspective. We can use what we learned in today’s lesson to analyze situations in our everyday lives as the use of paradox is present in society and by being able to analyze these situations it can help us understand the double meaning of things. 

Quotes about Peace freedom (125 quotes)

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