Thursday, June 4, 2020

#31 - Ivan Yim - Period 2 - 5/6/20

Aim: How can students be controlled? How is man conflicted between both the desire to conform and the need to be an individual?

Do Now: Google Form Survey then Class Discussion

INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY - Reflect back to the start of this semester, and our discussion about equality. Now, consider the word “FREEDOM.” In your notes, for the next few minutes, write about what this word means to you, what we are granted and or denied, and the environments (home, school, society, etc…) to which they apply.

The word Freedom sounds like a dream that can never happen to me. Everyone in the class had different views and opinions about their thoughts on freedom, and hearing their voices made me think that freedom for one person is not the same for everyone else and cannot be achieved for every single person. 

  1. How do you feed about the rules set forth by your parents?

For me personally, I know that my parents may seem unfair to me at times and I’d hate that, but I know that they always want what they think is best for me. 

  1. Your individual teachers?

Although some teachers may behave in some ways that I dislike, that’s just the way they are, and I would put up with it.

  1. Are there any rules you believe to be unreasonable, or perhaps too restrictive?

For the most part, I think that the people who spent their life learning and working to get to the point that they are making rules, are fair enough and are thinking about the people that the rules affect and would do it to the best of their ability. 

Complete the following survey in your notes. (Agree/Neutral/Disagree)

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety,

deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. 

-Disagree, I feel like they would have their own personal reasons that they think require the need of temporary Safety.

To assure the country’s freedom, the government should be able to spy on its citizens.

-Disagree, If the government is trying to get information, they should be more open about it and ask its own citizens for their opinions or votes on the matter.

Patriotism means supporting your government during times of war.

-Disagree, People’s minds can always change, and shouldn’t be restricted so that their minds are fixed.

Torturing a person who poses a serious threat to our country’s freedom is acceptable; as long as that person does not die.

-Disagree, The party should not be tortured and should not be forced to death unless the party says otherwise.

People who are a serious threat to the government should be able to be held in prison; indefinitely, without being charged.

-Neutral, The sentence to life in prison is okay in my opinion as long as they still have a chance to possibly get released if the person has changed in a positive way.

The government has the right to know what people are reading to determine if they

are a threat.


Society would be safer if we had a video camera in public places to catch potential criminals.


For an idea to exist, we must have words to express it.

-Disagree, people can still work together on an idea without speaking the same language, so I believe it would also be possible to accomplish this.

Reporters should be required to submit their work to government officials so they can assess if it’s a threat to the country.


Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.

My thoughts regarding the lesson today are that everyone is different, nobody is the same, yes we hear this everywhere, but it fits into so many different thoughts or ideas or arguments.

Write about what you learned in your online English lessons.

I learned that even though we can be similar in areas we grow up, who we are near, who we meet, we can still be so different from one another.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I feel like what some people think are insane. I have some people who think the virus and quarantine are a government scheme to control the people. I still see so many people going outside without masks or any precautions, and I see that and think of how stupid people can be at times, but they must have their own reasons and I must respect them.

Important Points: People are all different and shouldn’t be forced to be changed.


What did I learn?

I learned how important it is to respect others' differences.

Why did I learn it?

It is important to respect others so that you can be respected in return.

How will I use what I learned?

I will see other views and see them how they see it.

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