Thursday, June 4, 2020

Blog #44- Jason Huang- Period 2- 5/26/2020

Aim: How does the setting of the novel contribute to the mood and tone of 1984?


Consider your knowledge of Oceania thus far. What words, which provide “tone” might you use

to describe Oceania (create a list)? Explain your word choices.

  • Oppressive

  • Hostile

  • Controlling

What is TONE & MOOD?

How do they differ?

  • TONE: Think of TONE as demonstrating how the SPEAKER feels.

  • MOOD: Think of MOOD as how the READER feels.

***REMINDER: The speaker is not always the author; it can be a narrator.


How would you compare Winston’s tone to the reader’s mood?

Winston’s tone is very observant and somewhat being a detective, meanwhile the reader is curious and wants to learn more about the world Winston lives in.

How does his tone compare to the rest of Oceania?

Winston’s tone compared to the rest of Oceania is the complete opposite. The rest of Oceania is naive and blindly follows, meanwhile Winston is observing and being more cautious.

What is SETTING?

SETTING: Is the time, place, physical details and circumstances in which a story occurs. They include the background, atmosphere, or environment in which characters live and move, and usu. include physical characteristics of the surroundings.

Usu.- Usually


1. Why is SETTING important?

Setting establishes the scene whether it’s where the story is taking place, events, or even the mood of the story.

2. How does it contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

The setting could influence the plot or even sometimes allow the reader to foreshadow.

Palimpsest (the p after the m is silent): A manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

  • In my opinion, I’m not entirely worried about contracting the virus since my parents are very cautious. Also, being in quarantine has its struggles since there isn’t too much space for me. 

What is it like working from home?

  • Working from home has both pros and cons. Unfortunately, I tend to let my work pile up and opt to do all of it during one sitting. Luckily at home, I feel more relaxed and comfortable at home especially being able to eat food basically whenever I want and to wake up just before class starts.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?

  • Currently, the rate of infection has declined but people should still stay inside. Across the United States, restaurants and gyms are being worked on to once again be open.


During this lesson, I learned about the importance of setting and how the setting, mood, and tone contribute to a story. The setting sets up the mood and influences the understanding of events in a story. Given the setting, it may allow a reader to get a deeper understanding of the story. Since this lesson is primarily about setting, I will be helpful to use this knowledge for future instances. By incorporating my knowledge on setting, it will help me understand events in the story and what is going on in Oceania as the story progresses.

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