Friday, June 5, 2020

Blog #28: Vincent Shi: Period 7: 5/6/20

Blog #28

Vincent Shi


Period 7 Sophomore 2020

Aim: How can the perception that Animal Farm is a Fable be demonstrated in our original fable visual representation & oral presentation project?

During our virtual class session, students had to present our Aesop Fable Projects that we've been working on for a month or so. Students had to execute a presentation where we had to read aloud our fables while maintaining good presentation skills such as posture and the fable was accompanied by wonderful drawings/various forms of art. When the fable was presented the writer then had to explain the moral and how it connected with our novel, “Animal Farm.” Like Animal Farm, both the novel and many of our fables are about how animals are placed in an environment where they can portray their thoughts and act upon them 

much like us humans.


-This was the rubric that our fables were based off of 

Notable Fables:

The Foolish Fox by Annie Liang:

  • This fable is about two competitive friends that raced while balancing eggs in a basket for gold coins. One decided to fill his basketball with as many eggs as possible to show superiority while the other did not. The friend that filled his basket to the brim felt weak and his legs eventually gave out. This resulted in the other friend ultimately winning the race. The moral of the story is to not rely on certain outcomes or events.

Keeper Of Sheep, Not Promises by Talha Gondal

  • This fable is about how a shepherd dog named Abel made a promise to 3 other merchants that he would give them wool the next season in exchange for some goods. However, that season the wool on the sheep did not grow so the shepherd dog was not able to repay his debt. He encounters a Wolf which he explains his situation to. This would ultimately be the dog's mistake as when he returned to his sheep pasture, he saw a pasture of slaughtered sheep and the wolf licking his paws. The moral of the story is to not count your chickens till they hatch

The Griffin and the Forest by Ryan Desnick

  • This fable is about a Griffin who went north to his friend’s house and on his way, he was stopped and approached by an old hare who needed help. Griffin decides to help him and they start walking, but are interrupted by a tortoise, who needs help to cook a meal. Griffin didn’t want to disappoint either of them so agreed to help them. When he arrives at the house, it’s already dark and his friends are mad that he showed up late and betrayed him. The moral is that he who tries to please everyone please no one. 

What did you learn in your online english lessons?

  • During today's online session, I learned a great deal about fables and how their morals can be applied to everyday life and other literatures. This can be seen in Animal Farm since the author, George Orwell, created this book which is essentially a really long fable about a society run by animals and the moral that is presented. As we follow the animals journey, we discover messages Orwells conveys through subtle details in the characters thoughts and actions. He was successfully able to show readers that dangerous effect of communism and what would happen if history repeats itself.  THe fables we presented are very much similar as they convey similar messages that we can use to benefit our everyday lives.

What are you learning about your world/community regarding the virus?

  • I think we can all agree that a pandemic is nothing to be happy about but in many ways then one, it was able to bring a lot of people together. Due to the state of affairs, many people are in lockdown and practicing social distancing. Not only does it prevent/lessen the spread of the virus, it brings families together. Before the virus, I spent very little time with my family and now we spend more time than ever. This whole experience has taught me to appreciate everything I have and how lucky I am to be at home with my family. I know a lot of people around the world and in my community who are suffering from this virus whether it's the death of a loved one or the loss of their jobs. 

Your own personal feelings about what is happening right now

  • I personally feel surprised about what is happening around the world around us. Just a couple months ago my brother brought up this virus and how it affected China and now it is here in the United States. I never expected such a massive nationwide lockdown to take place. I also feel concerned as officials are not sure when this lockdown will end. This means that my summer is in jeopardy and I really would be disappointed sending the summer in quarantine. 


After hearing the class’s fables and their explanations on how the morals connected to them, I learned how a simple lesson can be incorporated in a person’s life. Connecting back to Animal Farm,  George Orwell successfully created an extended fable that had a moral that he wanted to convey through his characters; thought and actions. He wanted us to learn from the events of his fable and incorporate it into our lives so we don't repeat history and repeat the mistakes that our ancestors made. 

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